2020 Father’s Day Gift Guide

Our first Father’s Day! I’ve got something up my sleeve for Noah. It’s exciting to me to celebrate Father’s Day with Noah with our own little guy. Don’t get me wrong I love my dad and grandpas but it just feels a little different now.

If you have seen last year’s gift list, which can be found here, many of these items are the same ones. That is what shows these items are what the guys in my life use all the time.

Noah and I were out riding the Ranger around our farm checking on things. Our toys are not the newest versions so when the Ranger died in the field I was not surprised. I was also not surprised to learn it died because he left the lights on earlier. 😉 The battery charging pack got us up and running in no time. It gets taken on any of our toys, the boat, the Ranger, etc. I had to take this little video to document how quick and easy it was to use.

Using the WeeGo to charge our Ranger battery

You’ll notice on the end it has USB spots. Charge your phone right from this while on the trails or water .

Find the WeeGo 44.1 battery charger here.

Can you ever go wrong with Crocs?

Actually I think you can because I know people are pretty polarized by them. You’re either all for Crocs or absolutely despise them. Noah loves his crocs. They’re so quick to slip on. If you end up running to the barn, they are easily sprayed off with the hose.

Find his camo ones here.

Next up are Leupold sunglasses. These are so classy looking with many options to choose from. Find them here. My favorites are the Becnara.

Duluth Trading pants are a tried and true favorite. One thing Noah says he loves about his is that they have just a little stretch to them. When you’re trying to get under a piece of equipment or pick up a calf you need that mobility. These jeans have it. Even though he has jeans that come with his farm uniform, he’d rather pay to have some of these for everyday wear. They are that good. Find them here.

These are our farm hats. I love them. The leather patch is handmade by Jill at Jill’s Homestead. You can find her hat shop here. Put any logo or phrase on the patch. The options are endless!

Here are few more ideas that I have not purchased myself but are on my radar.

  • digital thermostat for smoker
  • chalk line
  • extra drill bits
  • good heavy duty level
  • purchase his fishing license

Now for what I am doing for Noah for Father’s Day…. more the sentimental route. Since in this day and age we don’t develop a lot of pictures I am making a point to print out and frame a couple of our little family for him to put in his barn office. The second part of my gift is matching bro tanks. I had these made by a girlfriend. However, you can find any local shop or even one on Etsy that could make you some. I will be sure to post pictures when I give them to him. 🙂

About Celsey

Fashionista, farmer and foodie.

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